PARA, Jenny Neeley and Sergio Avila from Sky Island Alliance teamed up again to host a NEPA comment workshop at Cady Hall in Patagonia on March 26, 2014. Discussed were the potential issues of the Forest Service’s Draft Environmental Assessment of the AZ Mining Inc / Wildcat Silver / Arizona Minerals Hermosa mining exploration proposal and how to comment effectively on it.
Jenny Neeley reprised her role as our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) expert for tips on filing public comments on the Hermosa draft Environmental Assessment (EA) released by the Coronado National Forest. The purpose of an Environmental Assessment is to determine whether the impacts of a project will be significant. The goal for our comments on the draft EA is to demonstrate that the Hermosa project impacts will be significant so that the Forest Service conducts a more detailed and comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement. Read more tips for writing comments here.
PARA board member Cliff Hirsch gave a summary of the expected activities proposed by the AZ Mining Inc / Wildcat Silver / Arizona Minerals Hermosa exploratory drilling project located 6 miles southeast of the Town of Patagonia. The project activities encompasses 7350 acres of both Coronado National Forest and private land. It is also expected to use 3,525,800 gallons of groundwater pumped from within the Town of Patagonia Municipal Supply Watershed. Click here for talking points and Hermosa project summary.

SIA Biologist, Sergio Avila
SIA biologist Sergio Avila discussed the amazing biodiversity found in the Patagonia Mountains during the Bioblitz event conducted in April 2013. View the Bioblitz report here. The results from the Bioblitz and the ongoing wildlife tracking in the Patagonia Mountains demonstrate the importance of the Patagonias as a wildlife corridor and biological hotspot in the sky island mountain ranges of southern Arizona and northern Mexico. Click for a list of Federally Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species in the Patagonia Mountains of the Coronado National Forest in southern Arizona.
The Hermosa draft Environmental Assessment is available at the Patagonia Public Library and online at the Forest Service website on the Hermosa project page:
Thank you everyone for your participation. The Forest Service received 200 public scoping comments on the Hermosa Plan of Operation. Let’s send them 200 more on the draft EA! Deadline to submit comments is Friday, April 11, 2014.
Additional Resources:
- See our NEPA Resources page:
- More information about AZ Mining Inc (Wildcat Silver) at:
- Potential Mining Impacts: Facts & Figures: