Write Comments on AZ Mining Inc / Wildcat Silver Hermosa Mining ProposalAugust 22nd, 4pm – 7pm
Open House
PARA and Sky Island Alliance are teaming up again to co-host a workshop on how to comment effectively on the AZ Mining Inc / Wildcat Silver Hermosa mining exploration proposal.
We’ll be at Cady Hall in Patagonia from 4pm to 7pm. Come anytime for information and instruction on how to comment. Refreshments will be served.
This is the public’s opportunity to comment to the Forest Service regarding all potential aspects of this mining exploration project and its potential impacts: water, impacts to both quality and quantity; air quality; wildlife and vegetation; soils; cultural and archaeological resources; visual and scenic values; dark skies/light pollution; recreation; pubic safety; transportation/roads; interaction of social and economic factors; cumulative impacts (those that increase in significance over time).
Click for more information.
Summary of Patagonia Town Council Meeting on August 14thThe community of Patagonia united to contribute to a meaningful and civil discussion regarding the Town of Patagonia Council agenda item: “Discussion of Support of AZ Mining Inc aka AZ Minerals [Wildcat Silver] Hermosa Drilling Project Plan of Operation.”
The theme often repeated was the inappropriateness of the Town voting to support a business at all. Issues ranged from the agenda item being beyond the legal scope of the Town Council’s duties to the likelihood that such a vote could alienate a portion of the community–and therefore the Town’s position should remain neutral.
One point made was that the only entity that would benefit from Town approval is AZ Mining Inc / Wildcat Silver in aiding its attempts to attract would-be investors. Also emphasized was the Town’s need to fully participate in the National Environmental Policy Act Scoping period in order to hold legal standing regarding any decisions made by the Forest Service on the Hermosa project.
Everyone agreed on the need for a water study. But the study proposed by Wildcat Silver is only to determine the hydrology surrounding their planned open pit mine. It will not give the Town critical information such as determining the flow rate of Harshaw Creek and Sonoita Creek which both supply water to our town wells. A water study conducted by an unbiased, third party would be far more valuable than any study presented to the Town by a mining company. |
Charitable giving to the Patagonia Area Resource Alliance allows you to make a tangible difference by empowering us to continue our efforts to stop new mining activity in the Patagonia region.
Your donations also make it possible for us to organize community involvement and action so that we can protect the Patagonia Mountains, our water and our communities.
We are committed to our mission and grateful for your support. Click here to donate now.
PARA is a volunteer-based, non-profit, 501(c)(3)-pending organization, based in Patagonia, Arizona. All or part of your donation may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor. |