Glossary of Terms
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Environmental and scientific policy work come with a lot of strange acronyms. We call this “alphabet soup.” If you’re confused by all the terms you’ve seen, this guide should help you sort through the intricacies of agency/mining/conservation speak.
In a hurry? Glance through the most common terms below.
Have time? Check out our full glossary of terms (PDF).
Agency/Government/Policy Terms:
EC: Extraordinary Circumstances
CE: Categorial Exclusion
EIS: Environmental Impact Statement — A document outlining the environmental effects of the project on the environment, prepared by the proponent of a project and presented to decision makers and the public.
EA: Environmental Assessment — An assessment of the impacts caused by a development activity such as mining, logging, or grazing.
PEA: Preliminary Economic Assessment
EPA: Environmental Protection Act
NEPA: National Environmental Protection Act
ES: Endangered Species
ESA: Endangered Species Act
FOIA: Freedom of Information Act
SOPA: Schedule of Proposed Actions
VRP: Voluntary Remediation Program
FONSI: Finding of No Significant Impact
NOI: Notice of Intent
ROD: Record of Decision
TESS: Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species
POO: Plan of Operation
RFP: Request for Proposal
WOTUS: Waters of the United States
CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (known also as a Superfund, passed in 1980)
Exceedences: Instances where federally identified air pollutants exceed the air quality federal standard
Mining Terms:
TSF: Tailings Storage Facility
HAZMAT: Hazardous Materials
Adit: A horizontal passage that extends from the ground surface into a mine site. Most adits only have one entrance.
Mineral Rights: Ownership rights to the minerals located on or below a piece of property.
Tailings: Material (often a blend of ore waste, rock, soil, and heavy metals) that has been processed by a mining company and discarded.