Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species in the Patagonias
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— Special Status Species in the Vicinity of Hermosa Mine (AGFD 2024) —
Continue reading for the list of US Fish and Wildlife threatened and endangered species along with critical habitat, as well as US Forest Service sensitive species in and around the Patagonia Mountains. Status definitions can be found at the end of the list. Feel free to reach out to the PARA biologist with any questions.
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Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Rana chiricahuensis
USFWS Designation: LT
Sonoran Tiger Salamander
Ambystoma mavortium stebbinsi
USFWS Designation: LE
Bald Eagle – Winter Population
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
USFWS Designation: SC, BGA
USFS Designation: S
Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum
USFWS Designation: LT
USFS Designation: S
Mexican Spotted Owl
Strix occidentalis lucida
USFWS Designation: LT, CH
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Coccyzus americanus
USFWS Designation: LT, CH
USFS Designation: S
Desert Pupfish
Cyprinodon macularius
USFWS Designation: LE
Gila Topminnow
Poeciliopsis occidentalis
USFWS Designation: LE
Panthera onca
USFWS Designation: LE, CH
Leopardus pardalis
USFWS Designation: LE
Pale Townsend’s Big-eared Bat
Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens
USFWS Designation: SC
USFS Designation: S
Narrow-headed Gartersnake
Thamnophis rufipunctatus
USFWS Designation: LT
USFS Designation: S
Northern Green Ratsnake
Senticolis triaspis intermedia
USFS Designation: S
Northern Mexican Gartersnake
Thamnophis eques megalops
USFWS Designation: LT
USFS Designation: S
Bartram Stonecrop
Graptopetalum bartramii
USFWS Designation: LT
USFS Designation: S
Beardless Chinchweed
Pectis imberbis
USFWS Designation: LE
USFS Designation: S
Huachuca Water-umbel
Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva
USFWS Designation: LE
Status Definitions
BGA – Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act; prohibits take of bald and golden eagles without prior USFWS permit.
C – Candidate. Species for which the USFWS has on file sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threats to support proposals to list as Endangered or Threatened under ESA. Proposed rules for these species is precluded at present by other higher priority listing actions.
CCA – Candidate Conservation Agreement: Formal, voluntary agreements between the USFWS and one or more parties to address the conservation needs of one or more candidate species or species likely to become candidates in the near future. Participants voluntarily commit to implement specific actions designed to remove or reduce threats to the covered species, so that listing may not be necessary. The degree of detail in CCAs can vary widely, and there are no specific permits or assurances associated with them. CCAs are primarily entered into between USFWS and other Federal agencies and States, but local governments, Tribes, private property owners, and other entities may also participate.
CH – Critical habitat present.
LE – Listed Endangered: imminent jeopardy of extinction.
LT – Listed Threatened: imminent jeopardy of becoming Endangered.
S – Sensitive: those taxa occurring on National Forests in Arizona which are considered sensitive by the Regional Forester.
SC – Species of Concern. The terms “Species of Concern” or “Species at Risk” should be considered as terms-of-art that describe the entire realm of taxa whose conservation status may be of concern to the USFWS, but neither term has official status.